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Proposals for a #StrongAbelden

Abelden needs change. These are Tarik's proposals to achieve that.


States' rights

There is something deeply wrong with the current state of Abeldane politics. Entire states lack representation in the Empire's legislature, and the electoral system is rigged against smaller states.

We propose the creation of the Reichsrat - an upper chamber to the RVS where each of the states is equally represented.



Abelden needs a civically responsible population with a strong sense of community and nationhood.

We believe the best way to achieve this is through the implementation of citizenship tests alongside every citizenship application, to ensure every new Abeldane is well aware of our history, culture and political organization.


Green policy

ASE's commitment to the Environment remain unchanged. It is imperative that we take responsibility over the territory we claim, now more than ever. The Empire's green areas are part of our Federal Heritage - we must protect them.


We will introduce legislation declaring all of the Empire's green areas as sacrosanct territory.

Information & transparency

During Tarik's time in charge of the Ministry of Orthography and the Reichswahlkommission, public information and records on Abeldane affairs were never more easily accessible and reliable.


As Vorsitzender, he will bring his experience in those departments to make sure Abelden's internet presence is updated, concise and reliable again.

Governing through consensus

ASE's philosophy of democracy, co-operation, dialogue and consensus-based governance are a core part of our agenda. As Vorsitzender, Tarik will sit with all parties in hopes of forming a national unity Kabinett, where all of the Empire's voices are heard and represented in the policy-making process.

Importance of the media

The best-documented times in Abelden's history have been those of prosperity and growth. This is thanks to the hard work of chroniclers who have historically curated the various media outlets of the Empire. We believe it is imperative to revive these portals, not only to keep Abeldanes informed on matters pertaining to their Empire, but also to show the various micronational communities that we are an active and prosperous micronation.

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